Mr. Limpet Production Cel & Background-ID: junmrlimpet19075

Mr. Limpet Production Cel & Background-ID: junmrlimpet19075 Warner Bros.



Image Size: 
2.5" x 8.5",9.5" x 14"
Price: $2,500.00
SKU: junmrlimpet19075

An original production cel and background setup from the Warner Bros. Studios live-action and animated film, The Incredible Mr. Limpet (1964). Featuring Limpet solemnly swimming by himself, the hand-painted cel was created at the studio and used during the animation process, representing an actual frame of animation that was photographed and appears in the cartoon. The cel is paired with a hand-painted background from the film, which are extremely rare. Measuring 10.5"x14" overall, with character image measuring 9.5"x14", the setup is in excellent condition with pin holes in the background. Professional restoration is available, please ask for more information.

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