Mickey and Friends 'Merry Messengers' Figurine Set (2000) - ID: 761880463193

Mickey and Friends 'Merry Messengers' Figurine Set (2000)  - ID: 761880463193 Disneyana



Image Size: 
6.25"x3.75"x7.75" mickey and donald , 2.75"x3.75"x4" pluto , 3.25"x4.25"x4.25"
Price: $300.00
SKU: 761880463193

A Walt Disney Classics Collection figurine of Mickey Mouse and friends inspired by the 1936 Walt Disney Studios Holiday Card. Titled 'Merry Messengers,' the set features Mickey, Donald, Minnie, and Pluto, and was sculpted by Bruce Lau. The set was released as an unnumbered limited edition of 2000 for the Holiday Season. Ranging in size from 2.75"x3.75"x4 tall to 6.25"x3.75"x7.75" tall, the figurines are in fine condition and come with the original 15.25"x11"x7.5" box.

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